Discover how to reach to those 5 star prospects with a unique message online and offline.
Through Google – you can do micro targeting.
Build sequential micro-targeting
Don’t be a needle in a haystack- Discover how to make the entire hay just about you.
Learn the strategy to be everywhere your ideal prospect is.
Use the Marketing Scorecard to discover the gaps in your marketing.
Webcast # 3: Welcoming Obstacles and Barriers
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to welcome obstacles and barriers in life and business:
Many entrepreneurs when face many obstacles or barriers, they tend to quit or walk away.
Barriers and Obstacles are God’s way of teaching us.
Consider “Obstacles and barriers” as raw materials you need for your next level growth.
Example: one of the barriers to starting a business is that you may need money- find a way to build your idea using minimal resources to present and then sell it.
Barriers can be divided into physical barriers and psychological barriers- Examples: being in a wheelchair is a physical barrier vs “I am not ready yet” is a psychological barrier.
To overcome your physical and psychological barriers, you need to be physically and mentally healthy and you need to start your day with the same.
Never stop and always keep going forward towards your goals and the only time to quit is when it takes you away from yourself and the ones you deeply care about.
A story of a company on how they leveraged their barriers to add multi-millions in revenues.
Webcast # 4: Building the Right Team to Scale Your Business.
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to build the right team for scaling your business:
If you don’t have written outcomes and measurables, your employees will be waiting all day long for instructions from you or their supervisors as to what needs to be done.
Employees leave their managers or their immediate bosses-they don’t leave companies and the main reason is miscommunication, motivation, and lack of foreseeable future potential.
Discover how a companyby building clear job descriptions and reporting doubled their sales and made it a self-managing company within one year.
Webcast # 15: A Four Stage System to Manufacture “Change”
In this webcast, Bimal discusses the Four Stage System to Manufacture Change.
Discover the three big reasons why business owners cannot change.
The _________rule that trains you what to change and what to improve.
Target at least three customers that pay you the highest amount of revenue per customer and then ask for three references from each of those three customers.
Webcast # 21: New Year Insights that work vs Resolutions that don’t
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to ditch The New Years Resolution system and build the insights that actually help you scale.
New Year Insightsto get the leap in 1st Quarter of the new year and sustain your business.
Overcome their biggest myths about resolutions and how to make them work- why 99 percent fail.
How to create your December 31st Midnight statement ….
Webcast # 30: How to Eliminate Chaos in Your Life and Business
In this webcast, Bimal discussessystems and mindsets that can help eliminate Chaos from your life and business
Many entrepreneurs deal with Chaos in current times in their business where it happens all at once.
Example- Employees getting COVID, Some not at all showing up at the job site, customers delaying payments, personal issues, suppliers making mistakes on deliveries that delay your cash flow.
Think of the eye of the ________ or the inside of ___________- where there is ________ and all the _________ is generated there.
Similarly when entrepreneurs want to deal with Chaos they have to create ___________ around them.
We all are in a ________ business and not a _______ or ______business.
Webcast # 31: How to use “Freedom” as a foundation for your decisions and Actions
In this webcast, Bimal discusses“Freedom” as a very effective tool and a foundation to make the right decisions, build right processes, and take the right actions
FREEDOM is the key word to focus on when growing your business
Discover the difference between FREEDOM From ________ and FREEDOM OF _______.
Most entrepreneurs want Freedom of ________, ________, _________, and __________
Webcast # 32: How to leverage “delete” in your life and in your business
In this webcast, Bimal discusses“delete” as a very effective tool to leapfrog to the next level in record time.
Many entrepreneurs have a hard time deleting things from their life or business.
Just because you have it or bought it- doesn’t mean you need to use it.
Just because you hired him or her- doesn’t mean you need to keep him or her.
Multiplication happens by subtraction and not addition.
Stuff brings you stress vs space gives energy and brings things up – get rid of stuff and do more of what brings energy.
How to build energy around you – mind vs brain
To get where you need to go you need think about the ____________ that gives you the maximum.
Start with a list of five most valuable results that you can deliver daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually and get rid of everything else.
More revenues with less time should be the focus.
Hear about a story of a company on how they used what I shared to deal with getting rid of stuff.
Webcast # 33: How to Go at Warp Speed by Going Slow
In this webcast, Bimal discusseshow to go at a very rapid speed by going slow
______________ is one word that has cost more lives than all wars or pandemic and any other causes combined
________ leads to stress, mistakes, sloppy work and ultimately extinction from business.
Go very slow initially at every step in your business and ask _________ and _______________.
Since we were born- we had asked this question _________ but we don’t ask that question to things or steps in our business.
Navy Seals motto- “_____ as __________ as __________”
Make job responsibilities for your team, your responsibilities, your time allocation based on going slow.
Understand what to ________, ________, and then Scale.
Learn about a story of a company who had an entire workforce of 100 people who spent hours and hours every day on something that they didn’t need and how by going slow they quadrupled their sales.
Go Deep- Go to the FIFTH ______ and you will see a business model that puts you in the blue ocean.
Webcast # 34: How to Go Above and Beyond Without Feeling You are Going the Extra Mile.
In this webcast, Bimal discusseshow to go above and beyond without giving up anything:
As an entrepreneurs you feel that in order to go the extra mile you need to give away too much or eat up your profits-but the reality is completely opposite.
You can build “going above and beyond” strategies that can be recurring in your business.
The most effective way is to work hard on ________ things.
The one tool that builds the above and beyond system:
Another way customers feel you go above and beyond is by creating value and you can build yours at:
The most essential way to go above and beyond is to differentiate yourself:
Sometimes, you have to just_____________ and get yourself unstuck and there is no other way.
Choose the path of least resistance for your customers- Eliminate friction points.
Webcast # 35: How to find ideal independent contractors and maintain them.
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to go about finding ideal independent contractors and maintain them
__________ is not the driving factor in hiring of the independent contractors, a ________ is. This is why most businesses make the biggest mistake in hiring independent contractors and then get frustrated with the whole process.
In most industries, you need to have ______________ in each category you need and you need to be consistently ___________to them.
The best place to start is a list of sub-contractors that you can build at
Many a times instead of finding several independent contractors, find one employee that does the work of four-to-five independent contractors – You can start at
Do not make the mistake of having a full-time employee categorized as an independent contractor to save on Payroll and taxes-The IRS Penalties and fines will kill you.
Webcast # 36: How to build effective lead generation systems.
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to build effective lead generation systems:
The first step in lead generation is defining your _______________ and building a list-
Stay away from doing anything and everything to generate leads- build one to three systems that work very effectively and go a million miles further with it.
Many different systems work- phone, text, networking, emails, mailing, social media-if limited in time and money focus on three that work very well and leverage it.
Get these three elements absolutely right after you figure out the list__________, ___________, and your ____________ system.
Get The Process Innovator tools to get these three right at:
Webcast # 38: How to build a Sales Song that works all the time.
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to build a Sales Song that is effective and Self-Improving
If your conversion ratio is below 80 percent, you aren’t doing a good job in your sales pitch.
If you don’t know what your closing ratio is, you need to discover that first.
In today’s environment, you need to inspire people to buy and not make them feel they got sold.
You are the _______ in line.
Your sales pitch consists of consistently making them feel ____________ rather than you trying to make them __________________ .
Always have a plan B, C, D, E so it makes prospects feel you have something that will work.
Everybody needs to sing the same song
You need to know all the information about your prospect that you can collect before you call them- get the intel from us- just throw in a name and we will send you the intel.
Webcast # 39: The Before-During-After System to Solve Anything.
In this webcast, Bimal discusses how to use The Before-During-After System to solve most issues in your business:
Every department of the business can be broken into before, during, and after.
Many problems in business are like a puzzle and can be broken into a before, during, and after.
Example- lets take Business Development– one of the biggest puzzles in many businesses.
Take that and break into three different units and download the scorecard as to where they stand on each of the units.
The Before unit would look at your prospecting and _________, ______________, ______________, ____________, and ________ .
Discover the secrets on building The During unit
Discover the strategies on how to make The After unit convert your raving fans into multipliers.
The three units can be applied to operations, sales, technology, hiring, training, finance, and every other department.
Hear s story of a company who had consistent turnover in their first level employees and were able to solve their biggest problem in the company by putting it into before, during, and after units.